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The Miracle Working Power of Your Subconscious Mind.
The power of your subconscious mind is beyond all measure. It inspires you and guides you. It calls up vivid scenes from the storehouse of memory.
The astral plane is a unique construct that surrounds and pervades all other planes of existence. The nature of the plane itself is malleable, and is subject to the perceptions of the conscious awareness of those operating there. It is at least three, and not more than ten, dimensions of perceivable space/time; however, there is nothing there that is physical as we know it. The astral plane acts as a kind of thoroughfare for traversing between various planes, as well as a location where disembodied spirit reside. when an individual astral projects or dies , her conscious awareness moves into the astral plane. If a person chooses to visit other realms or planes, she travels through the astral plane to reach them. Even when physically embodied, part of the soul (the astral body) also exists in the astral plane.
While focused in the astral plane, by astral projection or by death, the consciousness of an individual soul is embodied in its energy field, or astral body. Every human being has several layers of bodies. A brief explanation of each follows:
Physical - The body
Astral - Consciousness, self-awareness
Spiritual - Raw energy
Mental - Cognition, min, some conceptualisation
Emotional - Reaction assessment, can create fears, guilt, feelings
Etheric - Imagination, electrical current
Preternatural - Power, as the energy in martial arts punch and when a man can lift a car in an emergency
While alive, a soul's consciousness i manifest in all of these bodies. After death the soul continues to exist in all except the physical body. Although there continues to be a variation of physical body existent after death, it is considerably less dense, and not typically visible to the physical eyes. During astral projection, the astral body leaves the proximity of the physical body and travels on its own for a short time. All bodies have sensor faculties, but they senes in different vibratory ranges.
On the astral plane, nothing physical exists. There are no physical bodies, houses, modes of transportation, or vegetation. There is no need for food, clothing, or jobs. Everything sensed in the astral is an energy field, perceived as different patterns and colours or as a certain direction, speed, or type of consciousness.
If a deceased relative is perceived during meditation, your consciousness will, with the assistance of your imagination, project the image of his familiar face, and you will 'see' your departed loved one. What is actually happening, however, is that you are sensing his energy field, recognising it, and recreating the image. Doing this helps the mind translate the information. When the mind can label events, objects, and people, it can more readily make sense of your perceptions, facilitating your memories of those impressions.
Imagine that every moment of the entire history of your soul could be captured on film. Film consists of a length of contiguous freeze-frame shots. All of these frames exist simultaneously, yet when you see a movie, you observe the frames one after the other, in a predetermined order, at a speed so rapid that you do not notice that each frame is an individual, static photograph. the movement simply flows.
Likewise, all moments of your existence are in freeze-frame. All lifetimes including all of the attendant possibilities and probabilities, are available in the present. Each frame has infinite auxiliary films that emanate from it in every dimension, providing infinite choice within the realm of it's particular possibilities.
This is where the concept of reliving past lifetimes gives rise to questions about what other souls living in those lifetimes would experience if you re-lived, and changed, your part. If our spirit repeated a lifetime, brining with it altered knowledge and making new choices, it would not follow the exact film sequence that if followed previously. You would now be moving on one of the infinite alternative paths, in which the other people from that time were also making different choices or having different reactions to your personality. Along this new path, there may be new people to have relationships with, and you might or might not meet with others who were present in that life previously. Making such changes would necessarily alter the path in significant ways.
Scientist are now beginning to suggest there is no beginning or ending of time.
Intrigued? If you want to understand or simply learn more then I suggest you read, past life regression by 'Mary Lee Labay', from witch this piece if referenced from.
Another way to find out more about your past lives is to book in for a past life regression session. some people do this just because they are intrigued, however a number of people visit past lives to access information/stored memories that may help them find a solution for a problem in their currant life time.
If you can keep an open mind you may very well solve some on going issues that haven't seemed to go away. Perhaps you repeat the same cycle of behaviour that is blocking you from moving forwards and progressing in a way you would like to in life. It could be something from earlier in this lifetime that formed this behaviour or one that has travelled with you from a past life.
I will leave you to ponder over this read.
Until next time.
Ref: Past Life Regression by Mary Lee Labay
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