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Supporting Invisible Illness - (SII)
Self hypnosis - Your own unique recovery
As a hypnotherapist you may say I’m biased when it comes to any discussion around hypnosis.
I have come to realise that with every relapse in the chronic illness journey that I experience, comes a return back to a more daily practice of guided self hypnosis. When I became sick back in March 2020 with covid- 19, I had decided to record guided hypnosis for myself, just as soon as I felt well enough. The topics I set myself to record were as follows:
Supporting the Nervous System
Boosting the immune system & fighting infection
Improving the endocrine system
Improving the digestive system
Improving the circulatory system
After such a shock to the body, mind and spirit I also new we had to start again with:
Learning to relax
Self acceptance process
Along with daily meditation with a Loving kindness Meditation
Pretty helpful list to start with hey, you can see that looking back I instantly knew that all the systems in my body had been blown up and scattered in some way shape or form and that I had to not only reorganise and start to put the pieces back together, but firstly 'sooth' and surround 'love' around every single experience my body was feeling, be that physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. That’s some pretty fantastic 'self awareness' considering back in March 2020 nobody had a clue about what we know now after lots of research.
Anyway, as I set out to put this 'self help' in place, I hit the biggest of stumbling blocks, I realised that my voice had been so very badly affected that I couldn’t record a thing. (This is a whole different story for a completely different day)!
The good news is, over time I did record various self hypnosis audios for my own recovery. I have had to undergo 'speech therapy' on and off over the last three years to regain the quality and confidence back with my voice. My body had taken a very huge 'shock' to the system and affected me very emotionally especially around this area, 'the throat'. Everytime I started to get too busy and use my voice too much my system would start to shut down again. It would go into overprotection mode due to too much stimulation too quickly. I was very hyper sensitive after covid 19. The shock and severity of the the whole experience was just overwhelming.
What happened was this, when I started to feel well I would not be as disciplined and would forget about putting my self care first. I would push past newly set self care boundaries and go too fast, too soon, until another crash presented itself to me.
Fast forward 3 years almost to the day of becoming unwell and after many relapses I have witnessed first hand the role of the subconscious mind and how big a part it has to play in recovery and the relationship we form with our very own, very unique self-belief system around chronic illness or as I like to call it,’the invisible illness’.
I have quite a tale to tell regarding the past three years but that’s not what this post is about. This post is about showing up authentically with a tale about intuition and the subconscious mind. I knew intuitively all those years ago what I needed, yes I hit some stumbling blocks and had to be patient. Even though I didn’t stick to the correct road to recovery consistently, I did eventually come full circle back to what works for me and what my very own unique body and mind was asking from me this whole time.
I’m not writing this post from a place of this is what everyone 'must do' and you must follow it to the letter, it’s not that sort of post either. I”m not your guru, I’m simply using my example to show you that you hold all your answers inside, you are as unique as your very own fingerprint. The more you get to know yourself, the more you slow down and get to enter the many frequencies within you and your very own vibration in this world, and the more you will understand your own recovery journey. I must add that it's not as easy as it sounds, to follow your own navigation system, there may be self sabotage or doubt on the way and it may take some trial and error but, you will be guided and you will eventually over time start to see very clearly the way forward.
Your uniqueness, your match to your own fingerprint, vibration and energy frequency is your path to your own recovery. No question.
Find out what you’re asking for, sit, listen and feel, yes FEEL. Take this time to get to know yourself, your true authentic self and know this may take some time, so be prepared to be more patient than you have ever thought possible and then some. You may even throw your toys out of the pram a few times and want to give up, this is growth and gently forging a new positive path forwards.
Different people are attracted to different healing modalities, some suit hypnotherapy, some speaking therapy and some touch talk therapy, energy psychology, Reiki, the list goes on and on. There is one or a combination of many that will match your needs, your energy frequency your personal vibration.
I have meditated and entered into deep trance state that way for years and years. It’s no surprise that I’m a fantastic match for hypnotherapy for my personal healing, I had already been in the deep hypnosis realms without realising it. This also linked deep healing with energy psychotherapy and the meridians through ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’. My unique tool kit for recovery. What are you curious enough about to try? What feels good when you read or hear about it?
Get started from where you are, learn to read your own energetic requirements by sitting still enough, long enough to feel. Then start to match to other frequencies and vibrations from other like minded people with the good intention of self love and healing, that’s where you will find your recovery.
I’ve been a teacher in many different areas for some 30 years now, it’s no surprise to me that I hold a beautiful desire to share my knowledge with others who seek it.. I get such fulfilment in my heart from knowing I may be 'helping' in some way.
So the purpose of this post is to share my 'wisdom' and 'knowledge' with anyone who feels the pull towards self healing through self hypnosis or any of my other therapies.
Over on my YouTube channel, '@JHDEVI' you will see a recently added video for, 'self hypnosis, supporting the nervous system'.
The next self hypnosis video to drop will be the second one on my list above regarding, 'the immune system and fighting infection'.
Feel free to reach out for any one to one sessions via my website contact page. Or to simply feedback and connect.
Until next time may you live with, 'Wisdom', 'Harmony' and 'Peace', most of all LOVE.
Justine x
'Integrated Therapist of the Year 2024' - (South West)
'Mental Health Award Winning Therapist 2023' - Most Empowering Integrated Therapist S West.
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