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You gave your life to become the person you are right now. Was it worth it?
- Richard Bach
To most the words, ‘Past Life Regression’ may sound very hocus-pocus or a ‘load of crazy’ with no proof that any of it is of assistance to anyone in this lifetime’. The truth my dear friends is in the pudding!!
During a regression session, many issues may arise that continue to affect your life adversely to the present day. Issues may be appearing in your present life in many ways, an unexplained pain, a block to achieving desired goals, undesirable behaviours and emotional responses, or disease. A number of techniques can be used in the midst of a past life regression that will be of great benefit, offering healing and change that can liberate you from the results of past life events.
Removing blocks
You may have been working steadily on yourself and life journey and recognised some inner subconscious blocks that are causing you trouble. Your goal in reviewing past lives is to gain an understanding about your own nature and character, and to move any barriers that would prevent you from moving forward in attaining your life goals.
In life there are groups of spiritual rich people out in the world, groups of spiritual bankrupt people and those who are somewhere in-between. Whichever group you fall into at the moment then that’s exactly where you should be. Change and awakening happens in your own divine time.
You can’t cheat here, rush the process or cut corners, not in this part of your life. Everyone will eventually skip to the beat of duality and then onwards from there in their own divinely guided time.
During this life time I have been a member of each of these groups mentioned. As I journey onwards and experienced more in life I have definitely gained more benefit from walking down the road less traveled by the majority than when I try to follow the 'Hurd' and do what I am told is the norm and expected. Today I’m finally getting comfortable with duality and actively showing that to the rest of the world.
My internal compass has brought me along a very wide and varied road, as I look back I can see the lessons learned very clearly. The mystery of how I find myself writing this blog and discussing ‘past life regression’ is one of true divine intervention and one story that is deserving of an entire blog of its own. Another time perhaps!
What I have noticed over the years is that looking outside myself and not listening to my guidance system would always take me down the wrong road, or it took me longer to get to my destination and was more often than not a less pleasant journey than it could have been. But there is the other side of this, the side where all mistakes are turned into lessons and as uncomfortable as it is for me to write those words, it’s true.
Some things are just Karmic cycles that need to be broken or a lesson you really need to learn in order for you to get closer to who you really are. I'm talking about the ‘YOU’ who, when all the layers of old programmes and the way you have been taught about the world, that version of ‘YOU’ stuck inside screaming to come out and sometimes roaming endlessly and wondering why you feel so very uncomfortable in your own skin. Perhaps in environments that just aren’t bringing out your own true essence enough for you to feel confident to be that fabulous spirit that you know is in there somewhere. That YOU, who finds more balance and contentment in your direction in this current life.
I’m enjoy finding the Magick in each individual who comes to me to regress, whether that be in this life to release grief, anger or heart break the results are so wonderful. Being playful with words and using the word ‘magical’ when ever I can get a way with it, ‘with a sparkle in my eyes and a warmth in my heart’ is so rewarding. I love the open minded souls who seek me out to find out more about their own story/stories and unfold the mysteries they hold within their subconscious/superconscious. Finding a love of the written and spoken word at this stage of my life and recognising the energy and intent behind words, basically vibrations of communication between one human to another. Now that’s priceless!
We are all so very intuitive and when we stop still to really look inwards we start to learn the real lessons and within each and every one of us is chapter after chapter of captured memories and stories, every movement and spoken word to ourselves or another recorded for ever in our subconscious. The more you delve into this subject of your subconscious the more you will realise that Hypnotherapy and Past life/present life regression isn’t foolish at all. It’s where the real answers can be found if only you dare to bare all to yourself and learn to change the energy and emotional charge behind believes and repetitive cycles that don’t do you any favours. These have been formed in the life you currently live in or have come with you from a past life or many lives, waiting for the very moment you finally learn to see it and finally change it!
‘YOU’ and I really do mean, ‘YOU’ hold everything in your hands for change! That’s individually and collectively as human beings, if only we could all get on the same page and dump the bullshit and judgments. Love and truth will always show up in any given situation. The question is do you want the truth and do you feel worthy of love.
The answer should be Abso****inglutley! Every time.
Note: Meaning of Duality: Duality teaches us that every aspect of life is created from a balanced interaction of opposite and competing forces. Yet these forces are not just opposites; they are complementary. They do not cancel out each other, they merely balance each other like the dual wings of a bird.
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