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Online Hypnotherapy success - how you can stop smoking

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Date: 01/05/2020

Just months before his Summer Wedding, my Brother approached me about my hypnotherapy sessions and asked if I would help him to quit smoking. He didn’t really have much knowledge about hypnotherapy and the curative more holistic approach that I take with my practice.

Honestly, I was a little apprehensive to treat my own brother and wondered if he would take it seriously enough, and be open enough to the treatment, for it to be everything he was wishing for. Also, I was living in Bahrain and he was living in the UK, so it would all be done ONLINE!!! and thousands of miles away! Here’s my brothers experience in his own words.

A complete novice to hypnotherapy and telling us his full, and true account of his experience with hypnosis.

Before the session with my sister, I didn’t have any experience with hypnotherapy whatsoever, until our session.I needed work on my need to stop smoking and to start feeling healthier.I thought that having a hypnotherapy session would help me more because I had cut down, I really didn’t want to smoke and I thought, well why not give it ago!!

My thoughts on hypnotherapy were quite mixed really, I had either seen it on TV where it is quite gimmicky! You know, people running around stage as chickens and what not. But then also you heard stories of other people where its’s been successful for addictions, albeit drugs, alcohol and smoking so I thought, again, ‘Why not give it ago’!

I wasn’t too sure if it would work or not, I did a little bit of research there was basically a 50/50 chance in my eyes if it would work and if I would be susceptible to it. So I was open minded. I had started to cut down on smoking, I did try to give up but I wasn’t successful, I tried patches but they weren’t very good at all and made me feel very irritable. I wanted to give up, I did try and wasn’t very successful. All I managed to do was cut down quite considerably but I was smoking still on a daily basis.

The consultation I had 1 week prior to the actual hypnotherapy session, I thought was really good and very professional, it made me feel comfortable and understand the process and to also understand ‘how it would happen’ ‘ how it would work’ and how it would make me feel. It made me feel like it was something that was going to work.

One week after the initial consultation or the week building up to the hypnotherapy session was just a normal week really initially, however, I felt that that week was going to be the last week of me being a smoking person.I suppose towards the end of the week before the session I made it count as it were, I probably smoked a little bit more than I would normally. Just because I ‘believed’ that I wasn’t going to be smoking anymore. It’s like having a bit of chocolate, you think well ‘I may as well eat it all, I’m never going to have it again’ LOL

"I didn't think it would work"

On the day of my hypnotherapy session, I was quite apprehensive to be fair, I stared the video call with my sister and because f back ground noise, the washing machine to be precise, people walking around outside and closing car doors, I thought because of those slight distractions, I didn’t think it would work. I felt a little nervous and really didn’t think it was going to work.

I did feel very safe, prepared and at ease, just little nervous but I did feel safe once my sister explained again that, all I had to do was to relax and to let her do the work. She assured me that I would have a very relaxed experience and that their was nothing to be fearful of.

Under the hypnotic trance, I couldn’t really remember too much, I felt very relaxed and very happy, almost like a euphoric feeling. It’s hard to explain because I’ve never experienced it before I did hear a few bits and pieces, I remember my sisters voice, it sometimes felt as if it was further away in the distance. I remember the beginning of the session the count down and the count out but in-between it was just an orange glow. That’s all I can remember but I felt very very happy.

After he session the following few days I felt, ‘Happy’, ‘Energetic’, ‘Healthy’ because I was no longer a smoker, ‘I was a non smoker.’ It felt how it had when I was quite young and never smoked before. It felt ’New’ and ‘Great’!

Was it successful? Yes it was, Very, Amazingly successful. Would I do it again? In a heart beat! It’s something I would like to do quite often to be honest. I would recommend hypnotherapy, and I have recommended it to quite a few of my work colleagues, because I think it’s really successful. I think more people should experience this, especially with difficulties in everyday life issues that needed to be addressed all other revenues. It’s just such a peaceful and relaxing way to tackle things quite deeply hidden and to get rid of them.

What’s next for Lance? Definitely more hypnotherapy. I would be very intrigued and interested in the, ‘past life regression’. If I hadn’t have had hypnotherapy, I probably wouldn’t have even considered it. But because it was such ‘an amazing experience and I’m no longer a smoker’, I would definitely look at different aspects of hypnotherapy, especially past life regression.

I think having the consultation and setting a date with a week between the initial consultation and actual hypnotherapy session helped prepare me and gives you time to think about yourself and how you are going to feel possibly, if it was successful after the hypnotherapy session, something to look forward to. It Definitely had a contribution to it being a success. Hugely!

So my brother had great success and I would like to think anyone who is ‘ready’ and open to the idea, will also find success with hypnotherapy.

Most, if not all clients, if they have never experienced hypnotherapy before are apprehensive and fearful, enough sometimes to cancel sessions before they have even given them selves the opportunity to go into the unknown. So just knowing this and reading this post could possibly help ‘anyone’ thinking of trying hypnotherapy, to actually just keep putting one foot infront of the other and step out of the ‘comfort zone’ (the illusion of comfort) to the most beautiful experience of relaxation you can imagine.

Hypnotherapy brings up all sorts of images in peoples head, especially if they have only ever experienced hypnotherapy via the Stage as a stage act or in films. The main question I get asked is, ‘will my mind be taken over’? It’s seriously one of the main questions that comes up and to be honest, unless you have sat with a ‘professional hypnotherapist’ and had a ‘taste of hypnotherapy’, most people will go on with these images of ‘stage hypnosis’ and ‘voodoo brain controlling images’.

Hypnotherapy these days is one of the most ‘GO TO ‘natural therapies for, Pain management, depression, anxiety, addiction etc. Doctors and psychiatrists recommend hypnotherapy as a form of deep relaxation to relieve so many of todays issues. We can look at old habits and change them. That old saying, ‘People can’t change’ they absolutely can! It’s habits that change and cutting cords of the old programming and resetting the new! You can be set free to live a much fuller and more rewarding, if the attraction is there, a more spiritual awakening. I guess it depends on where you are in your journey in this life.

Hypnotherapy is used for achieving amazing results in any area of your life you may feel needs more focus and clarity. ‘If you can say it’ and ‘think it ‘ - ‘you can be it’ - how much do you want it!

Please don’t THINK you have to have all the answers, KNOW you already have them - it’s bringing them to the service through hypnotherapy and past life regression that will bring clarity to what your inner self and soul already knows. Take the leap - it’s so very worth it!

Please feel free to reach out on my contact page.

I don’t care what background, what issue.

I’m here to guide and help.

There is no judgement.

In the words of my brother - ‘why not give it ago’


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