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My Thoughts This Month

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'Let me read for you.'

Date: 08/01/2025

So here we are, 2025. The energy is unfamiliar, nothing I have encountered before. Somehow, there is no going back, no doing things the old way. I’m curious, cautious, and open to the unknown, and I’m surprised that it doesn’t scare me.

Between Christmas and now, I’ve gone through some grieving process, a purge and letting go of the outdated version of myself, the one that held on too tight to the old parts of me that had played out their role long ago.

I seemed scared of stepping into an unfamiliar and unperfected new version of who I could feel wanting to come through under the surface. When you start a self-development or spiritual journey you think you need to focus on the outcome of the end journey, but the juicy, uncomfortable, purging of old behaviours and patterns is the place to celebrate and know that something wonderful is unfolding, even if it isn’t feeling that way at the time. I’ve been on a long journey of self-discovery, which let’s be honest is what’s expected and inevitable, it’s called living and learning through life experiences. None of us escape it, call it what you want, whatever is on trend at the time, but it’s a passage we all must experience if we are to be alive right now on this planet.

What I’ve known for some time is the ability and intelligence we all hold to point ourselves in the right direction if we can be still enough and quiet enough for just long enough, to flow with the feeling rather than the thoughts. There is a lot of information now wherever you choose to look, about channelling, spirit guides, tarot, astrology, and more insight into stories of other entities, the list goes on.

I’m a firm believer that we all can pick up on the energies and vibrations that carry collective information about the people, places and things in any environment we are in. Just like when you walk into a room and sense something isn’t right and you want to distance yourself and be somewhere else. On the other hand, a place, person or group of people can feel so wonderful and new that it keeps your curiosity right there, present, interested and in the moment, happy to soak more of that feeling up.

If you rely on watching your favourite channel guide, astrologer, podcaster, YouTuber, or influencer, please know this is their business, and there is also an algorithm which will feed you the same type of thing and hook you into an addictive behaviour of relying on other forms of information to guide you in your life.

I believe the utilisation of the mentioned in appropriate doses is encouraging and thought-provoking but also dangerous and addictive if over-utilised. You will always need to come back to your own centre to guide yourself eventually, so spend more time there, or at least learn how to start if you haven’t already.

It’s your navigation system I’m talking about, your gut feeling and intuition, it’s what lets you know a lot of the time the next best step to take and in which direction. This is the same as the ability to Chanel, read tarot, develop psychic connection and connect with what some will call the higher self. It’s like tuning into a frequency on a radio station and tuning into it each day so that you know the exact frequency numbers for that station. It becomes second nature, we use the brain frequency in hypnosis and meditation to connect with the subconscious all the time, neuroscience is the new on-trend name you will hear people drop into conversation. It’s all the same, it’s you, what you are made up of, your intelligence within each living cell.

I draw your attention back to yourself for your council. By all means, gather information from those who are ahead in the journey compared to where you may be, but follow what resonates with you, not the crowd. Gather your information and learn more about your body, mind, spirit, soul, and the environment that best suits you or multiple ones and ensure you eat foods that suit you, not all healthy foods or nutrition programmes are the right fit for everyone. Do you’re investigating, gather and learn, and please eventually focus more on learning about you and what is working and what isn’t.

Do not rely daily on scrolling and looking for other people to tell you who you are and what you need because you are unique, no other fingerprint is the same as yours so please do not sell yourself short by not respecting and honouring this time you have on the planet to learn about who you are and what better suits you. Get a mentor, and a guide and do courses, qualify in your field of interest but please be sensible enough to use your intelligence to build the best relationship you will ever have, and that is with yourself. With so much information about manifesting and being the best version out in the world, it’s almost become an obsession to constantly follow like sheep. One way isn’t the right way for everyone. If it’s not resinating then leave it alone for now, and just do something that feels good for you and your own life and those around you.

From what I see at the moment, there is so much of a ‘my way is the right way, and if you’re not involved, then you’re wrong’ culture, and this is not the way to think at all. The truth is there are many different ways to get to a destination, depending on where you are starting from and what resources you have at hand, what’s right for one person’s journey is completely off route for someone else. There is no one fit fits all, so there is no ‘my way is the only or right way for everyone’. You have choices, lots of them, go toward the ones that you’re curious about and start there. That’s how you journey more authentically and follow your internal navigation system.

Perhaps doing things differently across the board now, with no textbook rules just a trust in your truths, without distraction or unnecessary influence or opinions from those who do not know you and your reality right now in this moment.

Always with such good intentions and from the heart.

Justine x

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