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Low energy thoughts that weaken us fall in the realm of shame, anger, hatred, judgment, and fear. Each of these inner thoughts weakens us and inhibits us from attracting into our lives what we desire. If we become what we think about, and what we think about is what’s wrong with the world and how angry and ashamed and fearful we are, it stands to reason that we’ll act on those unkind thoughts and become what we’re thinking about. When you think, feel and act kindly, you give yourself the opportunity to be like the power of intention. When you’re thinking and acting otherwise you’ve left the field of intention, and you’ve assured yourself of feeling cheated by the all creative Spirit of Intent.
-Extract from ‘The Power of Intention’ by Dr Wayne Dyer
There’s a universal intelligence subsisting throughout nature inherent in every one of it’s manifestations. You are one of those manifestations. You are a piece of this universal intelligents. Remember to be kind to yourself in all choices. Treat yourself with kindness when you eat, exercise, play, work, love and everything else.
Connect to the intention behind anything with kindness and goodness. There is such power behind the words we both think to ourselves and speak out loud. There is an energy behind how and why you say things to yourself and any thoughts towards others. During uncertain times and times of turmoil or confusion it would seem like one of the hardest things to ask a person to do, is to stay in kindness and look for the blessings that are still present. Being kind to yourself or those around you when challenging times show is the ‘light’ that you want to look towards rather than the spiral of doom, of negativity that will never have any advantage or positive outcome, that’s fact.
My clients hear me talk time and time again about the energy behind any intention, and the real Magickal power behind the words that we choose to use. Remember we are in control 100% of the time in the words we choose and the intention behind those words. We are always in the driving seat of steering our thoughts and our actions and reactions. I mention here reactions, this is a very important part of every person on the planets day to day life, how we react to conversations coming our way and other peoples behaviours towards us. Remember once again, you have a choice in how you react to any given situation or conversation, you are in the driving seat of how your day looks and plays out.
Please remember how intelligent you truly are, you taught yourself to crawl, stand, walk, talk, eat, speak and many many other amazing things, you get my drift right!
When you were a baby learning about the world around you there was simple intuitive steps to learning and developing. There was no noise or fear talking over and over about the why or why not, there was simply just intuitive forward movement and a lot of falling down before you could walk, but you got up and taught yourself to walk! Remember all of this when you start to beat yourself up or spiral downwards when you feel overwhelmed.
You are not programmed to stay down, nothing ever stays the same and change always has to happen.
There is only ever forward movement even in the days when stillness seems to be the only thing around, the undercurrent of change is moving even if you can’t see it with your own eyes. Change is fluid because energy is involved in all of this.
In overwhelming or challenging times, learn to come back to your truth by turning inwards and reconnecting with you, use the rhythm of your own breath and the power to slow the breath down and relax your nervous system when you feel things running away with you. Once again, it all comes back to you and the natural power, intention and ability you have and only you can do, no one else can breath or think for you, you can be guided and given new insights and knowledge, but only you can slow your breath down, feel goodness in your intention and ground yourself back to your centre. Can you see how powerful and magical you are, that’s a fact. It’s all You!
If you can come from a place of kindness and good wholesome intention each day you are truly blessed.
A powerful practice to get started with kindness towards yourself and good intention is to simply start to count your blessings daily.
A simple blessings or gratitude list each morning can make a huge impact in your life. It simply sets your mindset off on the correct course for the day. Write a list of 1 to 10 things each day that you feel blessed and say thank you for each and everyone, you need to truly feel the gratitude and not just go through the motions. Try this for a whole month and take note of how you feel and which areas of your life seem to have improved with this simple daily routine.
Here’s one of mine to get you started:
‘With all my heart I am truly blessed with the breath of life. Thank you, thank you, thank you for each breath I take and the opportunity to experience this new day’.
So just nine more of your own to add to the one above. Really feel the intention, love and kindness behind each blessing and you will be surprised to just how RICH and ABUNDANT you truly are regardless of material things. Enjoy reconnecting to who you are and what it feels like to connect with your very own inner beauty and light.
As a free gift from me to you, you can listen to my loving kindness meditation video by heading over to my youtube channel here.
I will leave you with this quote below and wish you all a beautiful finish to 2021.
“Those who don’t believe in Magick will never find it.”
Roald Dahl - Writer.
Blessings and Light, remember to be kind to yourself and compassionate to others too.
JH x
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