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As Donna Eden says, Energy really is all there is.
I don’t know when the penny dropped for me around my understanding about our personal vibration and frequency, that silent connection on a soul level. Perhaps it was when I first started studying hypnotherapy and the different levels of frequency we tap into during hypnosis. Honestly though, it has been with me since childhood, I just hadn’t connected the dots and nobody talked about this subject in my environment when I was growing up.
I can recall the first time I started talking openly with my clients around an energetic agreement between the client and the therapist/guide/teacher. When two people meet there is a frequency and vibration (energy) depending on the circumstances and the alignment of that frequency depends on the outcome of actions and in my line of work healing and self development. I describe this to my clients this way; when you first meet someone you are picking up on the other person's energy and reading their body language without thinking, your assessing and feeling mostly, it’s intuitive. It's the same for buildings, places and things. You either feel good and are in alignment on a vibrational level or you don’t feel so good, something feels off and you are meeting another vibration that is not at the same frequency so it feels off, the alignment at that time, that moment in time, is not matching the person or situation.
Successful healing comes from a meeting of frequencies when there is an openness, a good intention and willingness to succeed, expand, heal and grow. An agreement to change current negative beliefs or negative patterns. Patterns that have been deep rooted from childhood or from beliefs formed over a lifetime through negative environments and traumatic experiences.
When two people meet such as in a one to one meeting, let’s use my client, therapist example. When we meet I will explain to the client that they will be connecting with me and visa versa through the frequency and tone of my voice, connected within that is the good intentional vibration of my reason for showing up for them and myself. I too will be picking up on their vibration and frequency, their tone and usually if they believe in their own successful outcome. It’s also an agreement between the two frequencies to play the necessary roles each have shown up for to grow. To move the client forward or wake them up in my case, and at the same time enhance and expand my own knowledge and understanding regarding the healing journey for each individual that crosses my path.
The same can be said for friendships and relationships, you can meet someone and it’s an automatic high vibration and at that moment in time both are in alignment, agreement of the information on an energetic level being shared between the two. Over time there may be negative beliefs or you feel a negative, anxious energy, frequency or vibration that just isn’t feeling too good but what changed? Usually it’s an old negative belief that is fear based or connected to a traumatic event of an old childhood taught belief that diminishes that first initial feel good connection, either on both sides or one side, this can be seen as pulling away or causing chaos or drama for no apparent reason. So the two are no longer in alignment because one or both have fallen into old belief systems that lower or change the vibration.
As you can see we have choices in how our own vibrational frequency shows up in our lives, old beliefs and thoughts of ourselves lower this and we will attract a similar energy that will match. So the advice I would give would be this, always check in with your belief system, what’s your truth, the real truth around your beliefs, be that relationships, career, finances, health etc. Avoid judging yourself and others harshly, come from a place of truth, honesty and love. What is the next best thing you can do for yourself that has a positive effect on your own frequency and vibration. What helps you feel good and in alignment, if you feel fear around something or someone then sit and look at it and ask why? Is this an old belief about myself or the subject or person you’re fearful about.
Try to be more curious and sit in a space of kindness and love for yourself, that way you cause a ripple effect that you don’t even have to think about too much. You bring the frequency of love into your energetic field and that is more expansive than even you or I could possibly fathom. Try it and see what happens.
I hope this has helped spark a curiosity around the human connection and the energy we create around us. We are all connected, so let’s take responsibility for the vibration we create not just for ourselves but for the collective.
Blessings, Love and Peace.
JH x
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