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On a personal level my father left when I was very little, just 6 years old. I was so busy falling in love with my tap dancing shoes and ballet at that age that I hadn’t noticed the breakdown of my parents marriage. So when this big fight broke out at home in the middle of the night I remember being incredible frightened and afraid to come out of my bedroom. This huge fight led to my father leaving for good, my world spun around on me and nothing was ever the same again. I went from being that little innocent girl dancing daily feeling very confident and happy, to a little girl who felt abandoned and feeling a huge loss of a parent that just couldn’t be filled. It wasn’t until my adult years that these deep and old childhood wounds started to come to the service in my choice of relationships and how I handled rejection, and the impact this would make in every area of my life, numerous times.
I want to give anyone reading this a heads up on what to recognise and what steps you can take to ease your way forward in life. If you have been struggling with hitting brick walls in areas of your life due to sticky little insecurities around relationships, then it’s time to get some kind of guidance and therapy to help you heal yourself. So let’s try to get rid of this hang up and give yourself time on this and watch the positive shifts that happen.
If you recognise any of these about yourself and also experienced the loss of a parent, either through divorce or death, feel free to reach out to me or any other therapist you feel drawn to working with. But seek some guidance and help from someone who can help you recover fully.
Feel free to listen daily to my hypnosis audio on my YouTube channel that I have recorded specifically to go along with this blog post. Dealing with insecurities.
The link to my Hypnosis audio is on YouTube here:
(if the link doesn't take you there automatically then just look me up under Justine Hodgson on the Youtube channel and select the, "dealing with insecurities video".
Until next time, be kind to yourself, and get help to heal yourself.
Love Jx
'Integrated Therapist of the Year 2024' - (South West)
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