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Internal Magick - Intuition and the Superconscious

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Date: 01/10/2021

Internal Magick - This is why I love hypnotherapy so much, it actually ends up teaching my clients exactly what they are made of. How much they have to offer this world once they open up to the possibilities of looking inside themselves for the answers they seek, and the changes they crave. Forward momentum is inevitable once you get unstuck and access your Magick Tool Kit, Your Internal Magick!

We all have it, a subconscious yet very few of us access it for our benefit or even know it’s possible. Many social media platforms are discussing how to access the subconscious, unconscious mind to change behaviour patterns or old belief systems.

There’s a trend that’s been forming for a while but in the background lot's of amazing professionals have been playing around with the subconscious, unconscious for decades and our ancestors before them. It’s not a new concept at all.

German physician and philosopher Ernst Platner officially coined the now well-known term "unconscious mind. However, many psychological/ philosophical thinkers have long known there to be some kind of uber-complex, multi-leveled hierarchy to the human mind.

So whats the big deal and why have I decided to throw the word Magick and Intuition in the mix of this title? Well because it's all of these, at least that's how I see it, the subconscious, unconscious mind and Intuition as one, Your Internal Magick the Superconscious. It’s not hocus pocus, although it can be if you want to take your gifts further, what ever tickles your fancy.

Everyone looks outside themselves for a miracle and Magick not realising the whole time you have every single starting point of accessing your answers from a few layers beneath the surface ‘inside you’.

If you can learn how very special these tools are to aid your understanding of yourself better and what is best for you, not for anyone else. Then life can be easy, drama free and content and much fun, believe it or not! I don’t say that from a selfish point of view, I say it from a point of view that perhaps you can stop worrying about what everyone else expects of you or what the belief is that you think society has put on your shoulders to burden yourself with.

Look, you are the Magick.. because you have intuition, you may just not have been listening to it and using it to your benefit enough. You may have been clouded by too much noise around you to connect deeply enough.

So let’s look a little closer.


Understand, intuition and having psychic ability are one and the same. It's just that others have developed this ability having recognised it early on in life.

The reason we develop intuition is because of our experiences. We are taught, and learn as we follow our journey through life.

We look.... we listen.... we see.... we digest... we learn.

As a result of life's experiences, we learn. We develop hunches, instincts and gut feelings. How often have you thought of telephoning or visiting someone because you felt they had a problem and been correct in your assumption. Can you sense peoples moods? Intuition/psychic ability are one of the same. It's a knowing, a strong sense of feeling that sometimes you can't explain how you know something but you just do and it turns out that you are right about it.


The unconscious and subconscious are two distinct phenomena. The unconscious is a process that happens automatically and is not available for introspection. The subconscious, by contrast, is part of our consciousness process that is not actively in focal awareness.

It’s not uncommon for some to use the terms interchangeably because of their subtle differences. One of the easiest ways to understand them is by imagining an iceberg. What is visible is the conscious, while what lies below and deeper are the subconscious and unconscious.

Focusing on yourself and learning more about your natural born navigation system and abilities will enable you to steer yourself on a smoother path, or at-least navigate out of life's collision courses less crushed and sometimes better for it!

Internal Magick

I call it, 'YOUR' internal Magick it’s all you, nobody else. Your Magick is unique to you and for you. Intuition, subconscious, unconscious. Superconscious.

So what’s it going to be, if you could start with one behaviour that seems to keep you 'stuck' and unable to move 'forward'. A habit? Or perhaps you simply want to learn how to deal with what ever may be challenging you at the moment in a certain area of your life.

Perhaps learning how to react differently to cycles, situations or people so that you get a different response, more understanding in what's happening in your life and from your actions. Perhaps more positive outcomes, things you quite possibly thought out of reach for you. What if you could change the way you look at and react to those things and have more of what fills you up at a soul level, and helps you to feel you have more purpose in life.

Look at it, that initial thought or issue that comes up for you and decide, are you going to look at it and do something about it or are you going to pretend that you or it does’t matter, push it down and walk on repeating the same old story.

Are you stressed out, bored or anxious about never getting much further in life before a repeat of the same old behaviour or cycle rears its ugly head once more?

Fear, addiction, habit, self-sabotage could be some of the issues you could find help with from your Internal Magick to assist you in that forward momentum you dream of.

Open up your Magick tool kit, look inside and if you need to know how to develop or use these gifts, these tools, grab yourself a guide like me to help you until you can nail it on your own.

Open them up and let go of all the old beliefs and BS holding you hostage. Magick is real, Magick is you!!!

Until next time, Blessings and much love.

Feel free to reach out via my contact page on my website. I'm happy help.

J x

'Integrated Therapist of the Year 2024' - (South West)

'Mental Health Award Winning Therapist 2023' - Most Empowering Integrated Therapist S West.

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